Precision Wellness

Precision wellness emphasizes a proactive and personalized approach to medicine. By considering an individual age, environment, family history, lifestyle, and genetic makeup, precision wellness can develop a tailored health plan that meets each person unique needs.

Genetic Consultation (in-person or online) for
Individuals with a suspected genetic etiology and
Adoption or unknown family history
Adult complex disorders without diagnosis
Adverse medication effects
Alport syndrome
Alzheimer disease, dementias
Autism-spectrum disorders
Birth defects and pediatric syndromes
Blindness syndromes
Cancer predisposition; breast, other
Cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, aneurysms
Connective tissue disorders, Marfan syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Hearing loss
Multiple fractures of unknown etiology
Other neurological disorders
Positive genetic test
Precision wellness
Positive family history of a rare condition
Prion disease (familial type)
Renal failure, proteinuria, hematuria
Second opinion for genetic cases
Seizures and epileptic encephalopathy
Skin disorders
Genetic testing